

来源:中国微侵袭神经外科杂志 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-24
.|.考试专栏+作者简介:李运兴,天津师范大学外国语学院教授,曾任该校翻译研究所所长。现任国际翻译研究期刊Perspective:Studies inTranslatology编委。主要著作有:《语篇翻译引旅e}(2001)、《汉英翻译教程》(2006)、《翻译语境描写论纲》(2010)以及《英汉语篇翻译》(第三版)(2011)。发表论文40余篇,译作100余万字。一句好话1GoodWords张晓风小时候过年.大人总要我们说吉祥话。但碌碌半生2,竞有一天我也要教自己的孩子说吉祥话了,才蓦然警觉这世间好话是真有的。令人思之不尽,但却不是“升官”、“发财”、“添丁”这一类的3.好话是什么呢?冬夜的晚上.从爆白果的馨香里。我有一句没一句的想起来了。4好咖啡总是放在热杯子里的!经过罗马的时候.一位新识不久的朋友执意要带我们去喝咖啡5。“很好喝的,喝了一辈子难忘!”6我们跟着他东抹西拐大街小巷When1 was a child,the elders took pains to teach me how to express good luck wishes for theSpringFestival.Decades later,I find myself doing exactly the same thing to my own children.AndI have come to realize that besides cliches such as“wish you a promotion at work”.“wish you to be rich”,or“wish you have more children”,there are other good words which give me much food for thought.What,then,are these wordsI have heard?I often try to recall them on many a winter night。 and they flash in my mind amidst the crackling of gingko seeds being roasted in a pan.“Good coffee is always to be found in hot cups.’’WhenI travelled throughRome,a new friend of mine insisted on giving me a treat on coffee.“It’S good coffee.Makes one remember it the rest of his life!”he observed.We followed him through streets and lanes.的7走,石块拼成的街道美丽繁复,走久Walking了8,让人会忘记目的地,竞以为自己是出来踏石块的。忽然,一阵咖啡浓香侵袭过来9,不用主人指引.自然知道咖啡店到了。 for a long time on the stone—paved streets, pleasant and labyrinthine,we almost forgot where we were heading for,as if we had come out only to tread on the stones.Suddenly there came a waft of fragran and,without the host’S tellingUS,we knew approaching our destination. t coffee,WeWere@⑥00@⑨@匡闶◎06§晌61巾考试专栏专咖啡放在小白瓷杯里,白瓷很厚,和中国人爱用的薄瓷,o相比另有一番稳重笃实的感觉11。店里的人都专心品咖啡,心无旁骛12。侍者从一个特殊的保暖器里为我们拿出杯子,我捧在手里,忍不住讶道。“咦.这杯子本身就是热的哩!”侍者转身,微微一躬,说:“女士,好咖啡总是放在热杯子里的!”他的表情既不兴奋,也不骄矜。甚至连广告意味的夸大也没有,只是淡淡的在说一句天经地义的事而已。是的.好咖啡总是应该斟在热杯子里的,凉杯子会把咖啡带凉了,香气想来就会蚀掉一些.其实好茶好酒”不也都如此吗?原来连“物”也是如此自矜自重的.庄子中的好鸟择枝而栖,西洋故事里的宝剑深契石中.等待大英雄来抽拔,都是一番万物的清贵,不肯轻易亵慢了自己。古代的禅师每从喝茶喂粥去感悟众生.不知道罗马街头那端咖啡的侍者也有什么要告诉我的,我多愿自己也是一份千研万磨后的香醇,并且慎重的斟在一只洁白温暖丽的清晨¨。《黪The coffee was poured in a thick white porcelain cup.Compared with the delicate chinaware theChinese prefer,it looked sturdy and heavy.Everyone in the coffee house was focused on his coffee,totally oblivious of the surroundings.A waiter took some cups out of a heated container and gave one to each of us。I exclaimed:“How come the cup is hot!”The waiter turned around,bowing slightly.“Madam,good coffee is always to be found in hot cups.’’He was neither excited nor conceited,nor being in a mode of exaggeration,as can be seen in advertising.He was simply stating a plain truth.Indeed,good coffee is always to be found in hot cups.A cold cup may cool off the coffee in it, thus reducing its taste.The same is also true of warmed liquor and good tea.I came to realize that even“things”have self-respect and tend to be reserved.The legendary good bird,according toZhuangzi,chooses the right branch to nest on.In a comparable western context,the sword stuck in stone waits for a hero to draw it out.Both stories show that“things”with integrity refuse to lower themselves to vulgarity.It is known that theZenBuddhists try to enlighten the masses when giving them food and drinks,butI don’t know what thatRoman waiter wanted to reveal to me.1 wishI could become something fragrant the way coffee is after being roasted and ground,and carefully poured into a hot white cup, thus making a morning delicious.评注:1.本文节选自张晓风的《一句好话》。2.“碌碌半生”属中国文化中自谦之词,不必细究,也可译作Now thatI have my own family。62@⑥00@⑨@匡响⑨06s响3.这是中国人常用的恭维话,英语文化中没有对应语,可照原意翻译,但要放在适合的英语句型中:Wish you…。4.注意全段的语义连贯:吉祥话……吉畛爹簿
